Monday, February 29, 2016

On The eve of March: Thoughts on @realDonaldTrump; #Iran & #Hope

It has been a very interesting and challenging month.      As I write this,  I can't help but agree with Joe Scarborough about the depressing weekend on the political scene. I could not believe the GOP Debate (and I only watched very small excerpts).   The David Dukes controversy has also persisted  as   Donald Trump first disavowed David Dukes before saying he did not know who David Dukes is. Some of the pundits noted that Trump was tired--but rejecting the KKK should not be a big deal.   What is unfortunate is that there is zero substance to what he has to offer--I am yet to see anything beyond "Making America Great again".    

As I have been working to "wind down" this leap month, I made it a point of sending Joe Scarborough  a thank you for taking down David Duke.   The new South reflects the true realities of an integrated society.    Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are trying to stay in it--but the odds are becoming increasingly    Super Tuesday tomorrow is going to be quite a day though as alOur team did some good work on Iran this week assessing the on-going election and the aftermath.  The team just released an updated tweet on the Twitter Channel as the World awaits the results.   I could not agree more that although the governing reformist faction gained, the Iranian State Institutions continue to be under the control of the so-called conservatives with the ultimate power residing in the person of the Supreme Leader.      Whether this is sustainable remains to be seen in terms of reforms.    

It should be quite a March as we will be bidding farewell to this leap year.      I popped into Twitter and ran across this which I wanted to end my brief personal thoughts as we begin March:

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Working Away With Some Brief Thoughts For the weekend......

As the team finished off the on-going daily curation work, I thought I end my day "On the Grid" with this from the team @ John Maxwell--the message is powerful and profound for all--it is ultimately about the art of the possible!!

I wish all a fabulous weekend!!

Today's word is ADVERSITY

Thanks for joining me.
How are you handling adversity? How are you sharing your gifts, and inspiring others? No matter what your life brings you, or how difficult your life is… you can create beauty and music, even from adversity.

I encourage you to pass these on to others, and together we can intentionally enrich the world.



Minute with Maxwell

Friday, February 19, 2016

Working Away While On the Road w/thoughts on Music, Leadership & Harper Lee

I have been on the road on my bi-weekly Community Commitment at St. Timothy's Catholic Church.   I had the pleasure to join friends earlier today as our Parish's Facilities Manager was nice enough to give us a tour of the Construction and the Pantry that I have the privilege to serve in.

As I hope all enjoyed the team's selection of this week's Artist of the week on the network, there was one very perceptive Daily Fortune Powersheet from Geoff Colvin (available by clicking here).   The team has featured his columns periodically here in #Outsiders and I share it with my students all the time.    As America decides and the World watches, lessons in leadership is ever so crucial.    This excerpt particularly caught my eye:

When the world’s opinion of an organization’s future changes so sharply, how should a leader respond? The basic advice is simple: Show, don’t tell. You can insist that your company is just as strong as it was in December, but it’s all a big shrug. What else would you say? Effective leaders let their actions speak. The prime example of the past six weeks is JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon spending $25 million of his own money to buy company stock, which is down 20%. The stock bumped up slightly on the news, but more important is that employees, customers, suppliers, and other constituents got the message that Dimon is genuinely confident.

While on the road and on my personal twitter feed, I saw reporting on the passing away of Harper Lee, the author of to Kill a Mockingbird.    I wanted to send a special shout out to the team at +The Guardian as they put together this which I released earlier--such souls truly never die--they endure


For a change, the team was "taking it easy" today as they were nice enough to release a Good Turn I did earlier this morning.    It will be an interesting week-end of analysis though as the team's on-going assessment of our World continues.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Working Away with Brief Notations From #Iran.....

It has been yet again a whirlwind of a week throughout #Outsiders. I just finished off reading up on this on Iran I released to my personal Pinterest and Facebook pages because it continues to underscore the profound challenge being faced inside the Country. What I find fascinating is how despite all that the conservatives have done to thwart the reformists, it clearly appears that reformists have a chance. W will be assessing this over the course of the ensuing weeks--I personally would find it quite interesting if Janati (the head of the Guardian council); Khatami (not related to the ex-President leading the reformists faction) and Mesbah Yazdi (one of the key mentors of the so-called conservatives and a leading voice for Iran's version of #Daesh) are blocked from the Assembly of Experts. 

 Fascinating is the only word...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Working away with brief thoughts on #sunset & wishing all a @GoodNight Thanks to @Space_station during #YearInSpace :)))

It was another challenging day as President Obama spoke, the Republicans responded and the World continueI decided to do something a bit different today.   The daily curation on twitter and on-going development was on-going--but this I saw "blew me away".   I have had a habit of featuring his nightly "signoffs" as well as the team--but this one especially blew me away in more ways than one.  It underscores the beauty of Space and how it is so important upon us all to preserve it.  

Until tomorrow.....

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Working Away w/Brief Thoughts On the Eve of Presidents' Day 2016....

It is the eve of President's Day in the United States.    The team worked on a number of notations which will be available in a while as a tribute to Presidents' should also now be available in the Ordinary Faces Channel.

As I was on my personal "Virtual Walk-About" for the night, I saw a post on Facebook from one of the leading human rights scholars and activists in the World I've had the pleasure to meet, Elahe Amani.  .    I shared this on my Personal Facebook page as these brave souls are in my thoughts and prayers as they take up arms against the subhuman scum that have wrecked so much havoc on Syria and Iraq.  There has been enough scholarship on what led to this cancer.  These brave souls have taken up the ultimate solution--and such stories must be told until the day the cancer of Daesh is eradicated.  What is also ever so critical that the conditions that led to this Cancer must also be addressed:  Lack of Hope, Opportunity and Freedom.      These three conditions continue to be the problem even today as I saw in reporting done over the weekend.    What is troubling to me is how the current aspirants to the Presidency seem not to realize it.

On the Dawn of Presidents' Day, my old and dear Friend Col Bentley was gracious enough to share this image of Mt. Rushmore that is just beautiful as I am gearing up to release it to the Troop 772 website that I have the privilege to curate and edit as the Webmaster as I also have the pleasure to share the original posting at the end of this 

On this Valentine's Day 2016....

I thought this simple yet profound statement from the team @ Simple Truths (whose thoughts the team periodically share on the Daily Outsider Twitter Channel) was so appropriate--Happy Valentine's Day 2016!!!

Love Is a Verb
Love is a Verb - Watch Now
Make Your Relationships Great
Life moves at lightning speed–in the end, it won't be the days that matter most, but the moments spent with those we love.

So relax, turn up your speakers and enjoy the video. And don’t forget to share itwith friends and coworkers.

All the Best,

Mac Anderson


Saturday, February 13, 2016

On a Late "Virtual Run" w/@DailyOutsider & Other Thoughts

After a personal "daycation", I spent the evening supporting some of the on-going daily initiatives with Daily Outsiders as I worked through the aftermath of Justice Scalia passing away.   Our team released a brief Notation on it earlier.

What was so disturbing to me personally was what I saw from the leading lights of the GOP starting with the US Senate Majority Leader:

This is as the Daily Signal also noted this:

Sen. Chuck Grassley will do much to turn the tide of that coming conflict while serving as chairman of the Judiciary Committee. And the Iowa Republican has already signaled he won’t move any nominees out of committee.
“It’s been standard practice over the last 80 years to not confirm Supreme Court nominees during a presidential election year,” Grassley wrote in a statement. He continued:
Given the huge divide in the country, and the fact that this president, above all others, has made no bones about his goal to use the courts to circumvent Congress and push through his own agenda, it only makes sense that we defer to the American people who will elect a new president to select the next Supreme Court justice.
The traditional but unofficial Thurmond-Leahy rule dictates that the Senate halt all judicial confirmations in the last six months of a president’s time in office.

I made it a point of sending some personal tweets to Senator Blunt and Senator Shelby on it.    What I found so interesting is how Senator Grassley seems to deflect what Congress has done since 2009 to foster the very divide that he now notes.  It will quite an interesting fight to be witness to.     I found it quite interesting the statement by Speaker Ryan though (that I just picked up on my personal email):


Statement on the Passing of Justice Antonin Scalia

WASHINGTON – House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-OH) issued the following statement mourning the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia:  
“Justice Scalia did more to advance originalism and judicial restraint than anyone in our time, and it all started with just two words: ‘I dissent.’ The passing of this brilliant jurist is a great loss, but his writings—with their plain language and constitutional moorings—will guide generations to come. A devout Catholic, he was fond of quoting St. Paul, who commanded us to ‘think soberly.’ That Justice Scalia did, always, and our republic is better for it.
“I learned so much from this man. I knew him. I respected him. I looked up to him. We all did.Tonight, Janna and I offer our sympathy and prayers to Justice Scalia’s family.”

I truly hope all truly live up to St. Paul's admonition to "think soberly".  It appears from the discourse I have seen so far that this is far from the case.

Truly interesting times....

On This First Day of Valentine's Day Week-End 2016.....

On the eve of this Valentine's Day Week-End, my mind drifted onward to South Africa.   The team finished off on-going weekend curation initatives  Our team was working on what we had deemed "NASSIM" to replace "BRICS" as one of the up-and-comers.    The reason was that at least three of the BRICS--Russia, Brazil & South Africa--have profound difficulties.   I would also note that China has profound challenges on a multitude of fronts as well.  The only one that seems to be holding up is India--although one-third of India continues to be faced with insurgencies and inequality continues to be the order of the dya.  

What I saw in South Africa was especially troubling as the fissures in South Africa Society was evident when Jacob Zuma was in the South African Parliament on his Annual State of the State Address.   The opposition heckled him and the leaders walked out.    It was ever so timely as I saw this on The Nelson Mandela Foundation Website which seems to have been forgotten by the current heirs to Madiba's legacy: 

Friday, February 12, 2016

On a "Grammarly" Snapshot: Fun Facts 2 Share......

I ran across this on the tool I use to check myself--and the snapshot was pretty interesting because it helped keep me honest.    I think I wrote more than the Words--but at least the tool was key.   The snapshot was pretty fun to be witness to!!!

Visit My Editor
2015 In Review
Your year with Grammarly
You've checked
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printed everything:
That's the equivalent to
Amelia Bedelia
by Peggy Parish
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than 51% of Grammarly users.
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1. Unnecessary ellipsis
70 mistakes
2. Incorrect spacing with punctuation
15 mistakes
3. Incorrect punctuation
12 mistakes
You + Grammarly = Wolverine + Jubilee

On the Eve of Valentine's Day W-End....

I am always on the "Prowl" for thoughts and Ideas.    This one was a fun one to reflect upon...

Happy Valentine's Day to All!!!

'Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.'

Working Away w/ #EarthArt, #Iran & Other Thoughts

The team has been working away as the Musical Interlude were released.  I personally was not aware of Hozier's work--Hopefully our growing #Outsider Community enjoys the selections that is now available on the four properties.

As I was on my own Virtual Walk-About, I saw two tweets from the Commander of the International Space Station, Scott Kelly that blew me away:

Captain Kelly was right on when he called it "EarthArt!!!   The beauty of our World--if only we earthlings understood the beauty and the fragility of Mother Earth.

It is also President's Day Week-End in the United States as America remembers two very pivotal Presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.    For all in the United States, I wish all a fabulous restful @POTUS Weekend.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Working Away w/Notations.....

It was another busy morning throughout #outsiders as Notations were released , the team decided on the Artist of the week and the Daily Cu ration on Twitter continued.   I was frankly surprised a bit as I reviewed Twitter results--but the niche developed (that we use on a daily basis) has a place and I have faith in Jack Dorsey.

For me, it was once again a chance to reflect and remember all that I'm blessed with yet again on a Daily Basis.   It was ever so as I was out on one of my Community Action Initiatives at St. Timothy's Church on Ash Wednesday yesterday and had the pleasure to chat with some of the clients the Pantry is privileged to serve.  It was just beyond words as one of them was so gracious to express her appreciation on the eve of Valentine's Day.   It also reminded me of this from an Orange County icon that was remarkable to be witness to.

Although the team works on "Thoughts of the week" which is now a regular feature in our Education Property here in #Outsiders, I ran across this on my personal daily rounds on Twitter than I thought was quite timely to share with all as this Journey of Service Continues.....

Phil Gerbyshak (@PhilGerb)
"15 Executives Share the Best Advice Their Mentors Ever Gave Them" #socialleader

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

On the Prowl: Notations For the Day.....

It was a good day for the Tech World yesterday as our team was on the prowl.   India rejected Free Basics that Facebook Touted as the answer to digitize the masses.   This is also as the challenge to Net Neutrality Rules continue on a massive scale here in the United States.   Although it may not matter as much in the short-term for start-ups like us, it is still a critical move that bodes well for the on-going debate worldwide.  I was especially pleased as I saw the Indian Government backing the determination by the Indian Telecom Regulator.    The Indian Telecom Minister, Ravi Shankkar Prasad underscored that it was a "clear expression of popular will".  
The on-going development has been continuing as well as epitomized by a rapid series of notations we released throughout our properties yesterday.      As I write this, the voting in New Hampshire is continuing and questions are continuing as to whether Kasich can do it or whether Rubio can overcome the questions that is bound to come up.   It was quite a day too around the World as markets continued their route after Oil once again went on a downward spiral.  Recent reports from North Dakota undrescores the plight of the challenges domestically.
Beyond the hype of the US Election Campaign (that the team will release updates tomorrow in the Network) and other on-going issues, there is the on-going challenge in the Arab World and Iran.     Based on reporting reviewed by the team through this morning, Aleppo will fall which will further strengthen Assad---I had predicted 3 years ago during a program I hosted for KU Radio that it would be just a matter of time.   How wrong I was!!!   Just yesterday, 22 migrants again drowned off Turkey in the Aeagan Sea trying to escape the horrors of war    The so-called Peace Conference is just it--so called as underscored by this from the Economist KAL not so long ago:   

Challenging times indeed--and I finished off my morning review, I saw this from the ever perceptive Geoff Colvin especially as voting in New Hampshire continues.    Why would anyone wish to take on the job of President is beyond me.   This is as another fundraising appeal from Bill Clinton came thru just now:  

Fortune Power Sheet By Geoff Colvin.
Daily insights on leaders and leadership
By Geoff Colvin
February 9, 2016
Running for president must be one of the most stressful activities a person can engage in. I realize that firefighters, hostage negotiators, Navy SEALs, and others go through times of indescribable stress, but they pass. Running for president takes two years, and as far as I can tell, you never get to rest. Now that New Hampshire is voting, the candidates must make hay in South Carolina and Nevada while also preparing for Super Tuesday, just three weeks from today, when 14 states choose convention delegates. Taking a break only damages your chances. It’s the world’s longest, highest-stakes ironman triathlon. That’s why, long ago, the political operatives who worked on the campaigns of JohnRobert, and Edward Kennedywould check themselves into a hospital on the day after election day.
Our topic today is stress because it’s a centrally important issue for all leaders and it is, like sleep, an issue that big-deal leaders are supposed to laugh at. Sleep? Who needs it? Donald Trump claimed in a debate that he got along fine on three hours a night. Stress? It goes with the territory. Don’t whine about it. But in reality stress hurts you and can kill you, and, like sleep deprivation, it’s an issue that all leaders need to confront.
You know that stress can give you a headache, muscle aches, and indigestion, but it also does much worse. Chronic stress, which is the life of many business and political leaders, can cause anxiety and clinical depression and can be a factor in drug abuse and social withdrawal. These are not trivial possibilities; you may recall a rash of suicides among bankers in the last recession and again between August 2013 and February 2014, many of which were linked strongly to extreme stress. An article in today’s WSJ observes that stress is often an overlooked factor in high cholesterol.
We have no specific reason to believe that stress played a direct role in the heart attack of United Continental CEO Oscar Munoz in October, a few weeks after he was suddenly given the job, or in the hospitalization of Valeant Pharmaceuticals CEO J. Michael Pearson with pneumonia in December. But both men were in extremely stressful situations, and even if stress didn’t cause their health problems, it can slow recovery from any illness. Munoz has since had a heart transplant, and United Continental says he’ll be back by the end of March. Valeant has named an interim CEO and has not said when Pearson will return to work.
The larger point is that leadership is a physical job, though we rarely think of it that way. When Hedley Donovan stepped down as editor-in-chief of Time Inc. (Fortune’s parent) in 1979, he was asked to name the most important trait for the role. He said nothing about intellect or editorial judgment; “stamina” was his answer. Leaders need to accept that stress is a genuine danger and must be addressed like any other. More immediately, the evidence suggests there’s good reason to be concerned about the health of the presidential candidates. Let’s hope that all of them, even the ones you hate, make it.