Sunday, January 14, 2018

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): On the Plight of the #Sanchi

Our team was on the prowl monitoring the plight of the Iranian Oil Tanker Sanchi after the collision off the coast of China. Unfortunately, it sank earlier today and 29 of its' personnel are missing and presumed dead.    As we went to press, it is Monday in Iran as the Government has declared a Day of mourning. We here at the Daily Outsider join in honoring the dead and extend our condolences to all the families and pray that the almighty grant them solace:

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Notations From the Grid (Special @POTUS Watch Edition): On #Africa, @IndivisibleTeam & Other Thoughts

President Trump's comments on #Africa (despite his denials) have stirred up a lot of Controversy.     It was quite timely as we received this courtesy of the team at @TED on the best of Africa we hope all enjoy as a new week dawns:

Artists to know from Africa's thriving scene

07:57 minutes · Filmed Aug 2017 · Posted Jan 2018 · TEDGlobal 2017
Curator Touria El Glaoui is on a mission to showcase vital new art from African nations and the diaspora. She shares beautiful, inspiring, even thrilling contemporary art that tells powerful stories of African identity and history -- including works by Senegalese photographer Omar Victor Diop, Moroccan artist Hassan Hajjaj and Zimbabwean painter Kudzanai-Violet Hwami. As she says: "It is through art that we can really tell our own story."


The rise of Africa’s next generation

What’s the biggest influence on Africa’s future? Its youth. Join the conversation with Africa’s current leaders and the generations of leaders to come. Watch »
5 TED Talks • Total run time 1:23:22

(Update:  Our team got this from the Institute of Policy Studies for an alternative perspective:

I Live in a ‘Shithole Country.’ It’s Called the United States.

A country’s greatness is measured not by its richest, but by how it treats its most vulnerable members. By that measure, we’re a certified shithole.

Our Latest

A Video: Corporations Cutting Jobs After Tax Cut
Sarah Anderson
In this video, Sarah Anderson talks about the CEOs who announced that after the GOP's tax giveaway they'd be cutting jobs, not creating them.
North Korea Is Walking Back War — And Pundits Are Strangely Disappointed
John Feffer
Pundits seem more concerned about the North driving a “wedge” between the U.S. and the South than about preventing nuclear war.
Iran’s Protests Take Place Against a Backdrop of Inequality
Negin Owliaei 
Regardless of the future of the demonstrations, the government must deal with long-standing economic tension.
Hollywood Won’t Destroy Sexism, But We Can
Razan Azzarkani
The solution isn't for Oprah to run for president. It's to listen to women everywhere.
Can Victory Over Irresponsible Mining in Central America Spur a Win in the Philippines?
John Cavanagh and Robin Broad
OceanaGold was stunningly defeated in El Salvador last March. Can it be defeated in the Philippines by 2019?

We conclude with this:

One of the most conservative (and the 2nd wealthiest) members of Congress, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA 49), announced he “will not seek reelection.” Issa is the second California Republican to retire this week and joins a growing list of GOP House retirements.
Indivisible groups in San Diego showed up to Issa’s office 49 weeks in a rowwith an average of 370 constituents each and every week. Issa even once hid from Indivisibles on his office’s rooftop in the heat of the healthcare fight. And yesterday, Indivisible San Diego and other groups from their district held a retirement party for Issa (in the rain, no less!).
This is yet another exciting, movement-defining moment that comes from months of tenacious, relentless organizing from Indivisibles.
And a wave of retirements will help us take the big, blue wave across the country on election day. Last year, Indivisibles committed to making their voices heard and holding their MoCs accountable. This year, we’ll replace those who don’t represent us with diverse, progressive, local leaders.
So, let’s take a moment to celebrate... and then get back to work to take back the House. Check out our email from last week (below), if you haven’t already. Then make sure to get involved with your local Indivisible groupregister to vote, and read up on how we’ll hold our MoCs accountable for their vote on the #TrumpTaxScam
Thanks for all you do,
The Indivisible Team
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Indivisible Team
Date: Wed, Jan 3, 2018
Subject: 2018 is here
Dear Indivisibles,
In 2017, we accomplished so much. We resisted. We organized. We made phone calls. We rallied. We held our elected officials accountable. We won elections. We built power. And we started a movement.
Thanks to the incredible work of Indivisibles across the country, in 2018, we are a force to be reckoned with. And, as the new year starts, we must use that power, that strength to push Democrats to fight for a bold, progressive future and hold Republicans accountable for the betrayal of their constituents on votes to repeal healthcare and pass tax cuts for billionaires.
In 2018, we’ll replace the elected officials who don’t represent us with diverse, progressive, local leaders. And if we put in the work (beginning right now!), our movement will be the catalyst for the big blue wave we all hope to see on election night in just over 300 days.

Kick the year off right. Here are three things you can do right now to take back the House in November:

  1. Find your Indivisible Group. There are at least two Indivisible groups in every single Congressional District across the country. Your local Indivisible group is taking action each and every day to hold your members of Congress accountable, fight for progressive ideas, and, in 2018, they’re going to get involved in elections up and down the ballot. Visit our map, enter your zip code, and find the group closest to you to start taking action now.
  2. Register to vote. Every. vote. matters. We’ve partnered with TurboVote to help Indivisibles everywhere get registered to vote. You can also use our online system to help friends, family members, and your fellow Indivisibles get registered to vote (we even have a Guide to get you started on your first voter registration event in your community). The first primaries start in February and run through August, so make sure you and everyone you know has an updated voter registration!
  3. Replace the MoCs who voted for the #TrumpTaxScam and plan/attend a retirement party event for the week of January 8. It’s been just two weeks since Republicans voted against their constituents and with their donors. No GOP Senator should be able to appear in public in 2018 without answering questions about this betrayal. We won’t forget. We will replace them in 2018 and then repeal the GOP tax scam in 2019. Next week, the week of January 8, kick off this year right by planning a retirement party event at your MoC’s district or state office. Don’t forget to register your event (or search for one near you now).
2017 was a tough, hard year. But in 2018, there is a real opportunity for progressives -- for this movement -- to take back the reins of our government and stop the GOP’s hate-filled agenda once and for all.
If we take back the House, Democrats can hold serious investigations into the Trump Administration’s corruption. If we take back the Senate, we can stop Trump’s unqualified, extremist judicial nominations from receiving lifetime appointments and reshaping our laws for a generation. And winning back governorships and state houses will not only give us the chance to pass progressive, local policies, but also prevent extreme gerrymandering in 2020.
And we will win if Indivisibles everywhere work really hard (like you always do).
This year, we’re going to ask you to do a lot of things you’ve never done before (but don’t worry, we’ll give you the tools and resources you need to do them!). We’ll ask you to help register voters, contact your state elections officials to fight voter suppression, volunteer to help get out the vote, and much, much more… all while we continue to fight Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump’s agenda.
2018 is finally here. Getting involved with your local Indivisible group, making sure you’re registered to vote, and reading up on how we’ll hold our MoCs accountable for their vote on the #TrumpTaxScam is just the start to another successful year for this movement.
Now let’s ride this big blue wave together!
In solidarity,
The Indivisible Team

Friday, January 12, 2018

On the Eve of #MLKDay 2018 W-End

We are honored to showcase this guidance from the Corporation for National Service as we join all in Celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. throughout our key properties:

Serve on MLK Day - January 15, 2018

What Are You Doing for Others on MLK Day?

In his sermon on the “Drum Major Instinct” nearly 50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. guided the congregation of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church on a journey that urged them to channel their ambitions through acts of service and love.
Earlier in those remarks, Dr. King offered a scripture-based take on the idea of greatness that probably seems antithetical to the way many see it today. 
“If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That's a new definition of greatness. And this morning, the thing that I like about it: by giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” 
Those words – “everybody can be great, because everybody can serve” – guide the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) as we lead the nation’s volunteer efforts during the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service. (You can read President Trump's proclamation for MLK Day here.)
Since 1994, CNCS has been directed by Congress to guide efforts that emphasize volunteering and service on the MLK Day holiday to improve our nation’s communities. 
We like to call it “a day on, not a day off.”
Noting that he didn’t want to be known for his academic credentials or awards that he received, Dr. King said he would like to be remembered as someone who “tried to give his life serving others,” as one who worked to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the imprisoned. 
There are numerous challenges, like those Dr. King referenced, that can be improved through the actions of engaged and active citizens. Through service and volunteering, we can strengthen communities by serving in our schools, preserving and protecting our national parks and public facilities, increasing financial literacy, building and repairing homes, and supporting our veterans and military families. 
We are inspired by Dr. King’s life, which focused on serving others in a multitude of ways that, ultimately, helped change the course of our nation. And we hope that you make service and volunteering a part of your life on MLK Day – and all year long.
To discover MLK Day events and projects in your community, visit
In Service, 
CNCS Office of External Affairs

The Impact of National Service

Learn more about the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

Exploring Dr. King's Legacy before National Day of Service 

The Corporation for National and Community Service is proud to lead service and volunteering efforts on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. We created this short video that looks back to explore the legacy of Dr. King and the MLK Day of Service.

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