Donald Trump Calls For Unity (Source: @Kaltoons) |
Donald Trump Reflects Upon #Mueller (Source; @KalToons) |
Earlier this morning, President Trump launched another "Twitter storm" attacking Congressman Adam Schiff, characterizing protests in the UK regarding the predicament of the National Health Service (earning a rebuke from the UK Prime Minister having her own profound challenges with #Brexit):
Teresa May Planning For the Future (Courtesy: @KalToons) |
This is as also President Trump praised Devin Nunes despite all evidence to the contrary and as members of the House GOP distance themselves from the #NunesMemo, the Stock Market suffer the loss as it has (including another 1.9 Percent loss in the Dow as we went to press with this "Snapshot" with another 500 point loss) and as The White House dismissed a new Bi-Partisan bi-partisan immigration plan brokered by Senator John McCain and Senator Chris Coons as a Non-Starter.
Another Interesting Day in Washington as we share selected snapshots of our "Grid" Assessment as we present this "snapshot" from Congressman Gowdy from the US House Intelligence Committee that was one of the persons who actually read the Intelligence background information:
This one is from the Fortune's Alan Murray on the predicament of the Markets as the Dow Continued its' dive today