Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Notations On Our World (Special Tuesday Edition): @POTUS Memo Combat as @GOP React to @DevinNunes Dud Memo: The Daily Show

Trevor Noah shared observations about the aftermath of #NunesMemo as the Democratic Alternative awaits.    We will use this space to share observations later on this week once the White House approves the release.    As we went to press, we understand that President Trump will be approving the release of the Democratic Rebuttal.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): Out & About w/the latest re @realDonaldTrump

Donald Trump Calls For Unity (Source: @Kaltoons) 

Donald Trump Reflects Upon #Mueller (Source; @KalToons) 

It has been quite a morning after quite a week in Washington, D.C as @KalToons once again captured the sentiments at hand.

Earlier this morning, President Trump launched  another "Twitter storm" attacking Congressman Adam Schiff, characterizing protests in the UK regarding the predicament of the National Health Service (earning a rebuke from the UK Prime Minister having her own profound challenges with #Brexit):

Teresa May Planning For the Future (Courtesy: @KalToons) 

Another Interesting Day in Washington as we share selected snapshots of our "Grid" Assessment as we present this "snapshot" from Congressman Gowdy from the US House Intelligence Committee that was one of the persons who actually read the Intelligence background information: 

This one is from the Fortune's Alan Murray on the predicament of the Markets as the Dow Continued its' dive today 
FEBRUARY 5, 2018
Good morning.
A new Fed chief, Jay Powell, takes office in Foggy Bottom this morning. Back in October, I wrote that the “odds are high…he will face a financial crisis early in his term.” I didn’t guess it would start on day one… or indeed, three days before day one. So much for the honeymoon.
The Fed’s main job is intangible—to ensure confidence in money, markets and the economy. But Friday’s 665 point drop in the Dow measured confidence contracting. Traders are suddenly worried about interest rates (although anyone older than 30 has to be amused that 2.85% on the Treasury 10-year is a source of panic), worried about inflation (although after the last decade of stagnant wages, Friday’s 2.9% rise should be cheered, not jeered), and worried about a tax-fueled spike in growth (with this reportfrom Powell’s Atlanta colleagues leading the way.) A more legitimate reason for concern was last week’s report showing productivity fell in the fourth quarter—since ultimately, rising productivity is the only way growth can be sustained.
I’m guessing Alan Greenspan’s “bubble” comments last week also had something to do with the swoon. Greenspan himself, of course, was tested by the markets on Black Monday in 1987, only two months after taking office, when the Dow fell 508 points. (I know… it’s a much bigger percentage: 23% versus 2.6%.) Greenspan’s smooth handling of that crisis helped reinstill confidence. And it’s worth noting that expansion continued for three more years.
In any event, probably wise to buckle up. The Fed’s historic, decade-long experiment with hyper-low interest rates is coming to an end. And the return to normalcy is likely to be anything but normal. Let’s hope Powell is up to the job.
By the way, Janet Yellen announced Friday she’s joining Brookings’ Hutchins Center for Fiscal and Monetary Policy, funded by Silver Lake co-founder Glenn Hutchins and headed by my former Wall Street Journal colleague David Wessel. (It’s also home to Yellen’s predecessor, Ben Bernanke.) As a send-off, Powell turned his coat collar up, in honor of Yellen’s preferred power-fashion.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Notations On Our World (Special W-End Edition): As a New Week Dawns.....

As we went to press, the talk in Washington was about the #NunesMemo.    There were claims of vindication by The President which was wildly debunked.  Our team released a number of updates on it on our Twitter Feed over the past 36 hours with profound implications that is yet to be determined.    This is also as the temporary funding of the US Government expires as The President spent this Super Bowl Week-End in Florida.   

Beyond the United States, It has been quite day in our World as we are monitoring reports out of the Maldives with a coup initiated by the President as the Maldives Supreme Court ordered release of opposition politicians.  This was as a Russian Jet was downed in Syria and pilot was killed.     

Iran is gearing up for the annual celebration of the Revolution:  .   One of the leading Opposition figures,  Prince Reza Pahlavi (The Son of the Late Shah) issued a statement to the people (available at his Website here) along with a Grid below that shows the Supreme Leader, the President, the Head of the Judiciary, The Supreme Leaders' Chief of Staff and other leading figures of the Islamic Republic paying homage at the site of the Tomb of the founder of the Islamic Republic while depicting a sense of the realities within the Country: 

This depiction underscoring the brave nature of the protests against obligatory Hijab in Iran: 

Today, also, is Super Bowl 52 day here in the United States.    As we hope all US Football Fans enjoy the day with the family, our team captured this (also released on our Twitter Channel) earlier about how far we have come and the transformation we have been witness to:
