Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On Immigration the United States

Human Rights Watch featured some of the profound challenges being faced by Immigrants as the #Dreamers continue to be in a state of limbo as a result of Congressional Inaction.  In the meantime, Immigration enforcement has continued which has resulted in familiies having been torn apart.

Human Rights Watch featured some of their stories recently that we've captured in this email dispatch: 

Who Are The Deported?
Read Their Stories
Dear Mike,
The Trump administration has dramatically ramped-up immigration arrests inside the United States. It is scapegoating immigrants by painting them as criminals who should be deported.
The administration claims it is focusing on violent criminals, but President Trump’s new policies make every unauthorized immigrant a target—regardless of their longstanding ties to family, community and employment.
Each day that passes, more deeply rooted immigrants become vulnerable to deportation.
People who call the United States home—including the mothers and fathers of US citizen children, tax-paying employees, and respected community members—are being arrested, locked up, and deported under a broken system that does not weigh their deep ties in the balance.
Our researchers have interviewed people who have been deported since President Trump took office. They told us they felt most at home in the United States and described how their deportations were devastating not only for them, but for their families and communities in the US.
We’re advocating for congress and the Trump administration to reform abusive immigration laws so that anyone facing deportation gets a fair hearing in which the person’s ties to a US family and community can be weighed against the government’s interest in deporting them.
We’re advocating for congress and the Trump administration to reform abusive immigration laws so that anyone facing deportation gets a fair hearing in which the person’s ties to a US family and community can be weighed against the government’s interest in deporting them.
To push for these changes, Human Rights Watch is documenting and amplifying the stories of people whose families are being ripped apart by Trump’s devastating deportation policies.
Read Their Stories
Thank you for standing with us.
In solidarity,
Clara Long
Senior Researcher, US Programs
Human Rights Watch

Monday, March 5, 2018

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): On @POTUS Watch with @TrevorNoah & @SethMeyers

It has been an interesting day as the US-Based Cable News Networks were focused on Sam Nunberg who made the rounds of the Cable Shows as the Mueller Investigation continues--as he said that he would defy a Grand Jury Subpoena to protect Roger Stone.      This is as the US Senate will lose a long-standing member in the person of the Senator Thad Cochcran who is resigning effective April 1st and as there are a number of pivotal House races that would set the stage for the Mid-Terms.

Please enjoy....

& This late breaking insight on the latest as the week begins:

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Notations On Our World (Special W-End Edition): As China Debates....

A woman walks past a poster of Xi Jinping beside a street in Beijing.

China is about to allow a President for Life--The Debate is now continuing in Beijing as we went to press with this late edition of Notations.    One view is noted below as the debate began:

FT View: The west can't sit idle as Xi Jinping claims new, immense authority over China
— Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) February 26, 2018 

This is as China is moving aggressively with "Belts & Bolts":  
Challenging Times...