Thursday, January 7, 2021

Notations From the Grid (Special Edition): Our Final #Election2020 Edition



As we went to press , the Joint Session of Congress has concluded and the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the next President and Vice President of the United States has been affirmed with a declaration by Vice President Mike Pence in his capacity as the President of the Senate.   He had also changed his Twitter Cover Photo to reflect the change right as the deliberations continued.   4 people lost their lives today during the riots and we pay homage to their memory and pray that their souls rest in peace.  

President Trump has just issued a statement noting his continued profound disagreements--however he is noting that he has committed to an orderly transition of power.   Our team will continue to assess this over the next 13 days on our daily @Transition46 watch as we leave all with a snapshot of the discourse that was:

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): On A Day of Infamy In Washington


As we are going to press right now, we are monitoring reports as Senator Rand Paul is advising that the Republican Plans to Challenge Elections is dead as US Attorneys are issuing Statements pledging prosecutions for what happened today as rioters attack the US Capitol Complex forcing Vice President Pence to be evacuated and for Members of Congress to be ordered to be sheltered in place.   - 

There are heavily armed officers , rioters are being pushed back by police lines as a curfew is in force in Washington.    Our team complied a snapshot of the discourse today:

There is reporting that Vice President Pence approved the deployment of the National Guard which leads to the question--who's in control as we went to press.    The most important resignation so far has been The First Lady's Chief of Staff   Twitter has also taken the following action  per the Washington Examiner:

President Trump has been suspended from Twitter for "repeated violations" of the company's civic integrity policy.

Read the full story here.

We are seeing reports per Fox News that Senator Rand Paul is noting that apparent Republican Plans (led by Josh Hawley and others) appears to be dead.    

A challenging day in America Tonight as we close out with this reminder from the politico's Matt Wuercker:

Notations On Our World (Mid-Week Edition): As the US Congress Convenes for the Electoral College Certification


As we went to press with this mid-week edition, votes were still being counted in the Georgia Senate Run-Offs--to close to call although a number of media outlets (including VOX) had at least called the election for Rev. Warnock.

We hereby note what the Business Community noted in response to attempts by US House and Senate Members to object to try and overturn the elections-as President Trump's supporters are to hold demonstrations in Washington that President Trump is scheduled to join them:

CEO Daily

January 5, 2021

Good morning.

The U.S. business community came out in force yesterday, rejecting the efforts of some Republicans to try and undo the election of Joseph Biden during tomorrow’s joint session of Congress to count electoral votes. Here’s the Business Roundtable:

With claims of electoral fraud having been fully considered and rejected by federal and state courts and state government officials, the integrity of the 2020 election is not in doubt. There is no authority for Congress to reject or overturn electoral votes lawfully certified by the states and affirmed by the Electoral College.”

Here’s the National Association of Manufacturers:

“In every election, many Americans are disappointed by the results. But disappointment does not justify harming our democracy or undermining faith in our elections based on unproven charges and conspiracy theories.”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:

Efforts by some members of Congress to disregard certified election results in an effort to change the election outcome or to try and make a long-term political point undermines our democracy and the rule of law and will only result in further division.”

And the Committee for Economic Development of The Conference Board:

“The 117th Congress should not be squandering precious time and resources undermining the election outcome which has been certified by Democratic and Republican state officials across the United States.  The Congress needs to provide leadership that is laser focused on getting Americans safely back to work and bringing the nation together to defeat the pandemic and restore American competitiveness.”

Done. Can we just move on now? Nothing in his presidency so clearly reveals the nature of Donald Trump as his leaving it. In service of his own ego, he is undermining the constitution and democracy, and may well hand a defeat to Senate Republicans in the process. Keep a close eye on today’s Georgia elections.

More news below.  And if you are willing to give one more moment of regard to 2020, read Fortune editor-in-chief Clifton Leaf’s piece on the “20 things that went strangely, wonderfully right” last year.

We Close out with some #RandomThoughts on the Discourse over the Web we curated: