As our team gears up for the 2nd half of the quarter of service, this struck a chord with us courtesy of the team at the Daily Stoic:
"We have to measure our life by only one thing: virtue. Did we do right? Did we hold true? Whether we did so on an epic scale or in the quiet confines of our own home—that’s what matters. Socrates and Cato were great men, according to the Stoics, not because of the fame they achieved, but because of the unswerving commitment, they had to principle. That this brought them fame was an accident—it was irrelevant. Summum Bonum: the highest good. Virtue. That’s what we measure a life by in these trying times. In the good times too. What did we do for others? Did we embody good character? Did we embody the philosophy—not just talk about it? That’s what success is. That’s what we’re reaching for."
—from "How Will You Measure Your Life?" (Listen)